Company Law Management
Whether its Advisory, Compliance Management, Due Diligence, Audit & Certifications under Companies Act, 2013, we do it all..
Company Law Management
Structuring the transactions
Conducting Due-Diligence (Part of Condition precedent to investments)
Drafting of Agreements: Founders’ agreement, SHA, SSA, Mentorship
End-to-end handholding wrt on-boarding of Investors
Re-drafting Articles of Association based on shareholders/Investor Agreement
Preparing a customized Annual Compliance Calendar
ESOP Matters
IPR Management- Registration of Trademark, Copyrights, Drafting of licensing, assignment agreement
Business Set-up Services
Advisory on selection of suitable business entity
Registration of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Registration of One Person Co. (OPC)
Registration of Private/Public Co.
Registration of Section 8 Co. (Associations)
Registration of Producer Co., NBFCs
Conversions of Private to Public (vice versa)
Conversions of OPC to Pvt/Public Ltd
Conversions of Partnership to Pvt/Public

Financial Restructuring Services
Increase in Authorised Share Capital of the Company
Reclassification/Consolidation/sub-division/cancellation of Share Capital
Issue, Allotment of Securities
Private Placement, Rights Issue, Bonus Issue, Preferential Issue of Securities
Conversion of Preference Shares, Debentures into Equity Shares
Transfer, Transmission of Shares
Employee Stock Option Scheme/ Employee Stock Purchase Scheme
Buy-back of Securities
Reduction of Share Capital

Directors & Key Managerial Personnel
Obtaining DIN, DSC
KYC updation
Appointment of Directors (Promoter/Independent/Nominee/Whole Time/Non-Executive)
Resignation of Directors
Removal of Directors
Loans to Directors, their relatives and interested parties
Payment of remuneration/commission/ waiver of remuneration of Directors and Managerial Personnel
Appointment/resignation of Company Secretary, CFO, CEO

Obtaining Approvals from Central Govt./ ROC/RD office/ NCLT
Change of Name, Object Clause
Change in financial year of Company
Shifting of office from one State to another State
Obtaining extension for holding AGM
Removal of Auditors before expiry of their terms
Filing of condonation applications
Filing of petitions for compounding of offense
Relief in instance of operation and mis-management

Other Services
Conducting Board, Committee and Shareholders’ meetings
Acting as Scrutinizer’s
Vetting of AGM, EGM Notices, Directors Report, Corporate Governance Report
Annual Filing
Preparing and maintaining Statutory Registers
Drafting of minutes, notices calling meetings of Board, Committee and Shareholders
Preparing, Certifying & Filing of various E-Forms on MCA portal